Vice Principal who impregnated a female student has been suspended by Niger State Ministry of Education

Vice Principal who purportedly impregnated a female understudy, Faith Danjuma,has been suspended by Niger State Ministry of Education.

Mr. Garba told columnists in Minna that the service had kept in touch with the workplace of the state Accountant General after the discoveries and suggestions of a council set up by the State's Secondary School Education Board, requesting the blamed to be put on half compensation.

As indicated by him, after the service got a give an account of March 28 that the denounced had impregnated a JSS 3 understudy, the service guided the barricade to set a disciplinary council inside the school.

"An eight-man advisory group headed by Mrs Zainba Kolo, a Vice Principal in the school, was initiated to research the assertion against the Vice Principal," he said.

"The panel was to recommend suitable measures to be taken against the blamed, if the affirmation was affirmed to be valid, in view of the arrangements of people in general administration direction.

"The panel turned out with the accompanying discoveries: that the understudy is pregnant as demonstrated by the research facility test led at Minna General Hospital.

"That Faith is seven weeks and six days pregnant as at the season of the discoveries and is required to convey Nov. 9, and that the denounced was in charge of the pregnancy."

Mr. Garba clarified that the board of trustees prescribed that the blamed be constrained to assume liability for the youngster and the mother.

He included that the board of trustees additionally prescribed that the charged ought to be exchanged to a male school after the examination and if not discovered liable.

The changeless secretary unveiled that another panel headed by Eunice Gana was set up inside the board on March 30, to additionally explore the issue.

He said that the advisory group's discoveries demonstrated that the Vice Principal conceded impregnating the understudy, an instance of expert wrongdoing and that the pregnancy was affirmed from the medicinal report issued by a General Hospital.

He additionally said that the school's disciplinary report was in accordance with discoveries of the board.

Mr. Garba noticed that the statutory report of the advisory group suggested that the Vice Principal ought to be suspended with quick impact and set on half pay, pending the assurance of the case.

He included that another Vice Principal was designated to assume control over the denounced obligations.

"The council additionally prescribed for the casualty to be exchanged to another school and the service promptly followed up on the suggestion.

"The proposal was sent to the state Civil Service Commission and the Ministry of Finance was coordinated to put the blamed on half compensation pending the end of the case.
Vice Principal who impregnated a female student has been suspended by Niger State Ministry of Education Vice Principal who impregnated a female student has been suspended by Niger State Ministry of Education Reviewed by Unknown on 09:58 Rating: 5

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